
Freshman Football Meeting.

In answer to Capt. Cabot's call for candidates for the Freshman football eleven, 61 men presented themselves last evening in the Trophy Room of the Gymnasium. The meeting was addressed by Coach Forbes from the 'Varsity, and Guy Murchie '95, last year's Freshman coach, who will act in the same capacity this year. An announcement was made that cups had been offered by the 'Varsity management for an inter-Freshman contest. It has been thought for some time that Freshman teams would be materially bettered, were it possible to keep the whole squad in training throughout the season, and the offering of these cups is an attempt at carrying out this movement. At present the only hindrance to the furtherance of this project is the limited space available for Freshman football.

The small number of men is accounted for by the fact that the call was issued unexcpectedly and earlier than usual.
