
Special Notice.

MR. F. W. WODELL, soloist and teacher of singing, 52 Pierce Bldg., Copley Sq., Boston, has just returned from his second term of study with William Shakespeare, of London, England. He began teaching this week. 2 12

YOUNG'S, 15 Bow St. Room for three club tables. Seats at the general table. House renovated, electric lights, new chef, cuisine fine. Verdict of the 'Varsity eleven, which eats there as usual.

1 13

PRIVATE rooms, newly furnished for club and training tables. Inquire at Cafe, 1388 Mass. Ave. 1-12t

ROOMS to let in the "Plympton," cor. Bow, Plympton and Mt. Auburn Sts., near Claverly Hall. Latest improvements. Suites or single rooms. Suites arranged for small clubs. 1-6t


PRESCOTT HALL.- Student rooms to let, study, two bed rooms, and bath, fire place and steam heat, gymnasium and shower in basement.

ELLIS AND MELLEDGE, Lyceum Building, Harvard Sq.1 11

TO LET at 82 Ellery St., a large furnished room with dressing room adjoining. Furnace heat, gas, open fire-place. Apply between 9 and 2. 1 2

BOARD.- Students can be accommodated with excellent board and desirable rooms at 1200 Mass. Ave., (Opposite Beck). 2 6

TWO splendid suites of rooms to let opposite Beck Hall. Steam heat. Electric lights. Open fire places. T. O'Hara, 1208 Mass. Ave. 2 4

TO LET.- House 77 Mount Auburn St., near Holyoke St. New furnace, new plumbing, electric bells and electric gas lighting. The house has been put into good repair from cellar to roof.

M. P. WHITE, 53 Devonshire St., Boston.2 3

FRENCH RESTAURANT, 3 Linden St., Hilton Block. Transient trade and regular boarders accommodated. Table d'hote from 6 to 7.30 p. m. at 50 cts.

2 4

GENTLEMEN Boarders Wanted, 192 W. Springfield St., two doors from Tremont St. Elegantly furnished double parlor with piano. Also a very large front room, one flight. Bay window, (bathroom floor), hot and cold water shower bath. First class board $3.50. Billiard room in the house.
