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Most of the recent bequests to the University have been for specified purposes of some kind, with the result that the Corporation has felt seriously the need of ready funds for making improvements along the most needed lines. Now, however, that one of the largest gifts of recent years has come to the Corporation, this last summer, with no conditions imposed as to its use, we may look for several improvements which have long been desirable but which it has thus far been impossible to make. One addition, in particular, to the University, which has become almost a necessity is the proposed infirmary. This matter has been agitated for two years or more, but as all schemes have fallen through for lack of funds, no steps have yet been taken for its advancement. But now that experience has proved an infirmary to be such a necessary institution and there is such a large endowment at the Corporation's disposal, it is to be hoped that the infirmary may be definitely realized.

It is also a pleasure to learn that the overcrowded dining halls are soon to be relieved by the generosity of Miss Randall. The situation chosen for the new hall is convenient and the intention of managing it on the plan of the Foxcroft Club seems a good one, as the latter has always been a success.
