

Changes in the Plans.- Improvements well Advanced.

Since the closing of the College year last June, work on the Soldiers Field improvements has steadily progressed and now the way seems clear to an early completion of the changes. It has been found necessary for various reasons to alter the plans somewhat. In the first place, the widening of North Harvard street, which will be begun next spring, by the city, will cut off twenty feet from the field. The new baseball cage will be located between the Locker Building and the baseball field, nearer the street than was originally intended. The body of the building will be 105x60 ft., with projections on the ends which will increase the total length inside to 150 ft. This is done in order to give room for a throw from home plate to second base. The floor area will be about 3 1-2 times that of the Carey Building cage.

The diamond, which was originally intended to point southwest, has been swung round on its axis, so that it now points northwest. The diamond has already been sodded and the outfield graded and sown with grass seed. The grass is already up, and in order that the field may not be spoiled it is earnestly hoped that men will not walk on it.

The heavy rains this fall have demonstrated conclusively the success of the draining of the new gridiron, which promises to be most satisfactory. After laying out the gridiron and the diamond, room was found to lay off three practice fields for this fall, so that ample room is afforded for developing the various football teams. The track is completed, with the exception of the top layer. This will not be put on till next spring in order that the layers already on may have time to settle.

The iron seats erected on Holmes Field last spring have been set up, two of them on the baseball field and two on the football field. The extra seats needed this fall will be built of wood, all of last year's seats being used.

It is likely that work on the Park system will soon be begun, as the projects have been approved and the surveying is nearly completed.

