
Official Notice.

ASSISTANT Professor Baker will not keep his 2.30-3.30 consultation hour today.

SALES PRIZE COMPETITION.- The competitive examination in Spanish composition, to determine the award of the Sales Prize, will be held on Friday, June 11, at 9.15 a. m., in Sever 35.

A. R. MARSH, For the Committee on the Sales Prize.ENGLISH 13.- Theses will be returned in M. 40, Wednesday, June 9, from 1 to 2.

LEWIS E. GATES.ALL themes written in English 12 during '96-97 will be returned to the writers at 18 Grays between 11 and 1 o'clock on Thursday and Wednesday mornings. Seniors may get their English B themes at the same hours.



ENGLISH C AND ENGLISH 30.- Seniors may obtain their forensics in Sever 10, Tuesday from 10.30 to 1 and from 2.30 to 4.30.

MEDICAL VISITOR.- For the remainder of the college year there will be no office hour at Claverly 11, but the assistant medical visitor may be consulted at the Physiological Laboratory (L. S. S.) from 8.30 to 9 a. m. every day except Sunday.
