TUTORING.- Geology 4, 14; Phil. 1; Physics 1, 2, 61; Chemistry 1, 3, 4, 5.
F. L. MEREDITH, S. B., 10 Appian Way.66 tf
WEINSCHENK has received a new invoice of stocks in latest and best patterns. Also the latest styles in straw hats-the stock of Hall and Hancock, the well-known Boston hatters.
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND. Hotel Bellevue. Excellent cuisine. Large garden. Moderate pension rates.
J. SUTTERLIN, Proprietor and Manager.88 tf
A WORD TO THE WISE.- Gentlemen desiring high-grade tailoring at the most reasonable prices will find it to their advantage to examine our stock and obtain our prices before ordering their clothes elsewhere. We guarantee quality, fit and workmanship.
UNIVERSITY TAILORING CO., 1116 Massachusetts Ave.88 tf
TUTORING in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry by
F. C. McLAUGHLIN, A. M., 4 Read's Block.In French, German, Latin and Greek by
W. J. MILLER, A. M., 3 Warland Block.In Cambridge during the summer for September entrance examinations. 88 4
BOAT RACE TICKETS AT THURSTON'S.- The New England Railroad (shortest route to Poughkeepsie) will place round trip excursion tickets, on account of the University boat races, on sale at store of C. H. Thurston, Harvard Square. Round trip rate, $6.50. Tickets good going June 23d, 24th and 25th and returning until 26th inclusive. Regular train leaves Boston week-days 8.32 a. m., from Old Colony Station, Kneeland street, due Poughkeepsie 4.55 p. m. Returning, train leaves Poughkeepsie 9.25 a. m., due Boston 5.55 p. m.
If a party of twenty-five or more persons wish to leave Boston the night of June 24th, going to New York via Norwich Line, and from New York to Highland via West Shore R. R., returning same route, reduced rates may be obtained on application at Thurston's.
If a sufficient number will take tickets to warrant special train leaving Boston about 7 a. m., Friday, June 25, arrangements may be made accordingly.
Full details on application. 88 2t
A SET of printed notes in Fine Arts 4 covering the whole year is on sale at Amee Bros., Harvard Square. Price $1.00 per set.
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