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With the increasing realization of the value of the courses in public speaking, there is, of course, every year, a correspondingly greater number of men who wish to elect these courses. Last year this growing need received recognition in the extension of English 6, the senior course in debating, to two sections of forty men, instead of the usual one; but although there were enough candidates for two sections in English 30, the Junior course in forensics and debating and the alternate for English C, the course was restricted to forty men as formerly. The result was that about as many Juniors were excluded from English 30 as were admitted, the selection being made on the basis of previous experience in speaking and debating. This limitation of the number of men in such a course is doubtless quite necessary and proper, but it certainly seems as though there either ought to be more sections in the debating courses or else more courses. In other words, those who are most deficient in speaking and most in need of the training of these courses should not be excluded altogether from this kind of work. Now that plans are being perfected for next year's courses there are excellent reasons why there should be more sections arranged for in English 30 as well as in English 6.
