
Final Examinations Tomorrow.

Semitic 7 Sever 30.

Greek A, Sever 29.

Greek 8 Sever 30.

Latin B Sever 17.

Latin DI Sever 18.


English 32 Sever 5.

German C Sever 23 and 24.

German 1c Upper Dane.

Italian 2 Sever 5.

Rom. Phil. 4 Sever 18.

Rom. Phil. 6 Sever 18.

Philosophy 13 Divinity Lib.

Government 72 Harvard 5 and 6.

Economics 14 Harvard 5.

Mathematics 12 L. S. S. 1.

Mathematics 25 Sever 30.

Engineering 4e L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 6c L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 11a Geol. Lect. Room.

Zoology 3 Geol. Lect. Room.

Geology 20 Geol. Lect. Room.

Fine Arts 4 Up. and Low. Mass., Sever 35, Lower Dane.
