The Class Day Committee have made the following business arrangements:
Tickets for the Senior Dance will be sold from the windows of Grays 17.
Wednesday, June 9, 1.30-3.30.
Friday, June 11, 1.30-3.30.
At these two sales tickets will be sold in packages, one to each Senior, as follows:
4 tickets for $6.00.
2 tickets for $3.50.
Single tickets will be sold for $2.00 each at either of the sales. One ticket will be given to each Senior for his own use free of charge, and each package of four tickets will entitle the purchaser to a reserved table in the Delta.
Seniors wishing to invite graduates or undergraduates may do so by sending the names and addresses of these men to Grays 17. Invitations will then be issued to these graduates and undergraduates, which will enable them to obtain cards of admission by subscribing $2.00. These names must be handed in before June 12.
Dance orders will be given out with the tickets. It has been found impracticable to have boxes owned by Seniors. Boxes will be formed by the floral decoration around the hall, but they will not be specially assigned.
A. M. BEALE, J. B. HAYWARD, J. D. PHILLIPS, Class Day Committee.
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