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During the past two years, in seeking for the causes of football defeats, Harvard men have sometimes said that, as a result of the damp, so-called unhealthy condition of Soldiers Field, the teams have bee in poor physical shape for the important games. For the past year or more there has been a good deal written and said about the matter, although very few have had any definite knowledge of the health conditions of the field. As a natural result, many exaggerated and false stories have found their way into the newspapers and unfortunately the belief has gained ground in some places that Soldiers Field is malarial, generally damp and unhealthy, and not a fit place for the development of an athletic team.

As a means of setting right whatever false impressions there may be in regard to the sanitary conditions of the field, the communication from the State Board of Health should do a great deal of good, especially among the graduates and others who have not been in a position to know the true state of affairs. It will give everyone confidence in the future usefulness of Soldiers Field; and, when the proposed improvements are completed and all the teams will have to go down there, the University can feel assured that they will practice under just as good conditions of health as those of any other college.
