

Annual Track Games to be Held on Holmes Field at 2 o'clock To-day.

The annual outdoor games of the New England Interscholastic Athletic Association will be held on Holmes Field this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Almost all the schools in the Association have entered teams, and the events promise to be closely contested. Especially fast time is expected in the dashes, mile run and the high hurdles. Comparing the records made by the various schools, English High seems to have the best chance of winning, with either Worcester High or Worcester Academy second. English High will have the same team it had in the indoor games last winter, when it won so easily. Hopkinson School should also make a good showing, though its strength lies in two or three men and not in the team as a whole.

The best men entered for the dashes are H. J. Kane and W. J. Duffy, of English High; M. Butler, of Worcester High; A. T. Baker, of Noble and Greenough's, and H. E. Jones, of Exeter. Kane and Duffy have the best records and should both win places easily.

C. I. Porter, of Hopkinson, and W. Dadmun, of Worcester High, are the most promising men in the quarter-mile; and L. Mills, of Worcester High; Marks, of English High; Huntress and Porter, of Hopkinson, and W. Applegate, of Cambridge High and Latin, are the best men in the half. E. W. Mills, of Chauncey Hall, is considered a sure winner of the mile and should make good time. D. T. Sullivan, of Worcester High, is another good mile-runner.

Very little is known about the men entered for the mile walk, and as the walk at the winter games was only a half-mile event, it is not at all certain that the winners then will win again this afternoon.


Both hurdle races should be very close. J. W. Hallowell of Hopkinson is a very promising man in the high hurdles, and Converse of English High is also very fast. Converse is thought to be a certain winner of the low hurdles, as he has won this event in both national and local interscholastic meets before. J. J. Peters of Andover is another good hurdler.

P. C. Rotch of Hopkinson, who jumped 5 ft. 8 1-2 in. at the winter sports, E. H. R. Howe of Worcester Academy, and Converse of English High are the best known high jumpers. In the broad jump Kane and Buxbaum of English High may win points. The winner of the pole vault last winter, J. A. Shorey of Cushing Academy should win this event. Kendall of Worcester Academy and Keen of Hopkinson are the next best men.

Spear of Worcester Academy, Shea of Hopkinson, Boyce of Brookline High, Coe of Noble and Greenough's and Eaton of English High are all promising men for the shot and hammer contests.

Many of the schools, especially Andover and Exeter, have new men entered and with the prospect of some of these being good, the games should be interesting and close throughout.
