THE Boston and Albany R. R. will run special train to Poughkeepsie and return, on June 25, account of the Boat Races. Train will leave Kneeland Street Station at 1 a. m., due Albany 7.15 a. m., where ample time will be allowed for breakfast, due Poughkeepsie 10 a. m. Returning, train will leave Poughkeepsie at 8.30 p. m. Fare for round trip, $6.50. Sleeping berth, $3.00 for round trip. tf
TUTORING.- Geology 4, 14; Phil. 1; Physics 1, 2, 6; Chemistry 1, 3, 4, 5.
F. L. MEREDITH, S. B., 10 Appian Way.66 tf
TICKETS to all points West Via Boston and Albany, New York Central, Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Big Four and connections. Berths and information may be obtained from
H. F. LUNT AND W. F. LLOYD, 27 Thayer Hall.Office hours, 6.30-7.30 p. m. 81 tf
TO LET, in Read's Block, Boylston street, a few double and single suites in this favorite block at moderate rent. On the newly widened a venue near the College and convenient to boat houses and Soldiers Field. Apply to janitor. 79 tf
MRS. RANSFORD, 22 Prescott street, has a few seats at general table and will have a club room vacant after the 'Varsity crew leave for Poughkeepsie. Students and their friends can be accommodated during class week. 78 tf
TUTORING.- English A, History 1, 10 and 13; Philosophy 1 and Economics 1.
R. W. SPRAGUE, A. B., 4 Hollis Hall.82 4t
TUTORING.- English 7; Semitic 6, 12; History 1, 9, 10, 12; Greek 10; Philosophy 5; Fine Arts 4.
WILLIAM W. NOLEN, 2 Manter Hall.68 tf
TUTORING.- English 1, 2, 7, 11, and 28. French 6.
E. GORDON PARKER, A. M., 43 Irving Street.75 6
MALLORY S. S. LINES.- Special rates from New York to Georgia, Florida and Texas will be made to students travelling by this line who present a letter from the Dean certifying that they are attending the University. Tickets can be obtained and reservations made at 366 Washington street, Boston.
ARTHUR SINCLAIR JR., Agent.73 10ws
LOST.- A Hygiene I note-book. Finder please return to Crimson Office or to H. Binney, 44 Brattle St. 84 2
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