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Today we say our last farewells to the members of the class of Ninety-seven as fellow-students. It is done reluctantly, and with unfeigned regret, for Ninety-seven has in many ways been a really exceptional class. It is what might, in a way, be called a well-balanced class, since it has not only had its full share of athletes on the different teams and crews, but, at a time when athletics are apt to receive more attention than they deserve, it has had an unusually large number of men connected with the other important interests of undergraduate life. In addition it has, since its Freshman year, shown a spirit of class loyalty and unity which has surpassed that of most of its predecessors, and which undoubtedly does a great deal to strengthen the feeling of loyalty to Harvard University. Although the members of the class may leave Cambridge now and scatter throughout the country, we can feel assured that they will always respect and cherish the tie that binds every Harvard man to his University.
