HAIR CUTTING reduced to a science. Any professor or student having hair that is stubborn or difficult to brush should call at Grifflth's Hair Dressing Rooms, 7 Brattle Street, Harvard Square. Razors carefully honed.
C. W. GRIFFITHS, Proprietor.HANOVER, GERMANY.- An opportunity for residence in a German family, with special advantages for learning German. Reasonable prices ($22.50-$35.00 a month). Best of accomodations. Reference: Dr. G. A. Bacon, 172 Tremont Street, Boston, or Professor Th. Parrott, Princeton, N. J. j24
TO LET, for next year, double suite in Ware Hall, second floor, corner room, No. 16. Apply to janitor. 100 4
THE Boston and Albany R. R. will run special train to Poughkeepsie and return, on June 25, account of the Boat Races. Train will leave Kneeland Street Station at 1 a. m., due Albany 7.15 a. m., where ample time will be allowed for breakfast, due Poughkeepsie 10 a. m. Returning, train will leave Poughkeepsie at 8.30 p. m. Fare for round trip, $6.50. Sleeping berth, $3.00 for round trip.
If race is postponed, special train will return Saturday p. m. Those who desire can occupy berths in car Friday night on payment of $1.50 each extra.
LOST, from 48 Brattle street, a light silk lined covert coat. Reward and no questions asked if returned to above address. 96 tf
A LARGE ROOM to let in Harvard Square, six windows, closet, light, steam heat furnished, for $25 per month. Address M. E. P., 1382 Mass. Ave. 1 2
WE will crate and ship your wheel, or buy if you want to sell.
A WORD TO THE WISE.- Gentlemen desiring high-grade tailoring at the most reasonable prices will find it to their advantage to examine our stock and obtain our prices before ordering their clothes elsewhere. We guarantee quality, fit and workmanship.
UNIVERSITY TAILORING CO., 1116 Massachusetts Ave.88 tf
TO LET, in Read's Block, Boylston street, a few double and single suites in this favorite block at moderate rent. On the newly widened avenue near the College and convenient to boat houses and Soldiers Field. Apply to janitor. 79 tf
TICKETS West and South via Poughkeepsie and New York; also by steamer to Baltimore and via Washington. Lowest rates and most attractive routes.
J. F. MARSTEN, 39 Thayer Hall.Office hours, 1.30-3 and 6.30-7.30 95 tf
POUGHKEEPSIE.- Tickets and berths, one way, to accommodate those who do not wish to return to Boston, can be purchased at Leavitt and Peirce's.
"LIEE AT YALE," by Judge Henry E. Howland, '54, will be the leading article in the July Scribner, ready June 25. The drawings are from life, by Orson Lowell. 100 2
AN EXCURSION to the Land of the Midnight Sun will leave New York, July 3. First cabin, $60.00; second cabin, $45.00. Apply at the general ticket office, 15 State St., Boston. See ad. 100 tf
THE HARVARD PORTFOLIO for 1897 is now ready and on sale at Pach's in Crimson Office, and all Cambridge bookstores and at J. F. Ollson's. It contains pictures of the faculty, University buildings, 451 Seniors, Senior Baseball and Football teams, Senior Crew 'Varsity Football and Baseball teams and Crew, Class Day Officers, Commencement Speakers, 'Varsity Musical Clubs, etc. 22
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