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It is safe to say that the decision of the Weld management to enter the Senior eight, which recently won the Metropolitan Regatta, in the National Regatta at Philadelphia will meet with the hearty approval and support of undergraduates. It cannot help being a kind of stimulus to rowing in the University for this crew to enter at Philadelphia and go through the experience of such an important regatta. In a way it will raise the standard of all the Weld crews, and it will tend to strengthen the Weld Boat Club as an independent rowing organization distinct from the University and class crew system. Moreover, the crew has an excellent chance of winning this regatta also. The exceptionally good time made in the race last week, and the advantage of considerable racing experience, indicate that the men will at least make a good showing, and possibly make a clean record of victories.

It is a pleasure to note the generosity of certain graduates who have started a fund to send the crew to Philadelphia. We hope to see the fund made complete by the subscriptions of present members of the University.
