CLUB HOUSE TO LET.- The house, 77 Mt. Auburn street, near Holyoke street, will be repaired to suit tenant. Apply to
M. P. WHITE, 53 Devonshire St., Boston.84 3t
FOR SALE.- Miller piano, in first class condition, good tone, good action, on reasonable terms. Address, W. D. Cotton, Jr. 44 Hastings. 84 2
LOST.- On June 1, a Laughlin fountain pen, between Harvard Hall and Memorial. Please return to Thayer 51.
TO LET.- In private dormitory, 43 Irving Street, off Kirkland. Single and double suites. Hot water heating, open fire place, private baths, hard wood floors, etc. Three minutes from Memorial. Terms reasonable. 84 3t
LOST.- A Hygiene I note-book. Finder please return to Crimson Office or to H. Binney, 44 Brattle St. 84 2
ENGLISH 7.- Full notes on the lectures, biographies of the authors, including dates, and quotations from leading critics. Now on sale at Amee's. Price $2.25. 84 2t
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Glee Club.