TUTORING.- In Algebra and Geometry for entrance examinations; and in Physics and Chemistry for final examinations.
F. L. MEREDITH, S. B., 10 Appian Way.66 tf
WE will crate and ship your wheel, or buy if you want to sell.
FOR THE RACES.- Students desiring to go to Poughkeepsie and return same day may learn particulars at Thurston's. tf
TICKETS West and South via Poughkeepsie and New York; also by steamer to Baltimore and via Washington. Lowest rates and most attractive routes.
J. F. MARSTEN, 39 Thayer Hall.Office hours, 1.30-3 and 6.30-7.30 95 tf
TUTORING.- German and French.
LOUIS GERTEIS, 68 College House.95 6
SENIORS who are spreading in any degree, or have need of camp chairs or extra decorations of evergreen, laurel and flowers for their rooms, will be wise to consult with Lee L. Powers of 32 Boylston street, Cambridge, and 406 Boylston street, Boston, and give him their orders, as he has been for ten years decorator for the Class Day Committee, each year successively. See him at once.
FOUND, near College gate, eye-glasses in case bearing maker's mark of J. W. Weatherbee. Call at Crimson office.
A WORD TO THE WISE.- Gentlemen desiring high-grade tailoring at the most reasonable prices will find it to their advantage to examine our stock and obtain our prices before ordering their clothes elsewhere. We guarantee quality, fit and workmanship.
UNIVERSITY TAILORING CO., 1116 Massachusetts Ave.88 tf
FOR SALE.- A new 441 Washburn Banjo which has never been used. Owner paid $40 for the instrument, but will sell cheap for cash. A great chance to get one of the best banjos made very cheap. Addres X, Crimson Office. 87 tf
TO LET, in Read's Block, Boylston street, a few double and single suites in this favorite block at moderate rent. On the newly widened avenue near the College and convenient to boat houses and Soldiers Field. Apply to janitor.
79 tf
TUTORING.- English 7; Semitic 6, 12; History 1, 9, 10, 12; Greek 10; Philosophy 5; Fine Arts 4.
WILLIAM W. NOLEN, 2 Manter Hall.68 tf
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Freshmen Elections Completed.