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The unexampled success of the Weld Boat Club, which has just finished its season by winning most of the events in the metropolitan Regatta, is one of the most encouraging features of the athletic year in the University. More men have used the club this year than has ever been the case before, the excellent system of Weld class crews has been inaugurated, and, in addition to the entry of a junior crew in the Metropolitan, what is really an "intermediate" eight has been developed and has beaten the best crews in New England outside of the colleges. As far as has been possible the stroke rowed by the University crew has been taught to the Weld crews, and it seems perfectly reasonable to believe that their success has been due, in part at least, to the use of this stroke, for the other crews who rowed yesterday affected the shorter, so-called professional stroke. The causes for this great advance in the scope and excellence of the Weld crews are to be found in the activity in the club management, and indirectly in the advent of Mr. Lehmann and in the wish of the 'Varsity management to institute a thorough system of rowing in Cambridge. The only real fault to be found with this club this year has been in the lack of good college men for coaches in the early part of the season. Next year this part of the work should certainly be looked to more carefully.
