

Weld-B. A. A. Race This Afternoon at 3.15.- Course Upstream.

The annual New England regatta will take place today on the Charles River basin, under the auspices of the Metropolitan Rowing Association.

The number of entries in the various events is very large and includes the most prominent rowing associations in New England. The races will be rowed up-stream, starting from the B. A. A. float at 1.30 o'clock.

The Weld Boat Club has entered in five of the events, and with these races the club will bring its season to a close. Notwithstanding the successful showing of the Intermediates in their race with the B. A. A. on Friday, and the continued earnest work of the Junior crew, the prospects of winning are not particularly favorable. The B. A. A. has made several changes in its make-up, and these is a noticeable improvement in their boat. On the other band the Intermediates are somewhat overstrained. The Junior crew is in fine form and should give a good exhibition. The men have been training considerably for these races since the class crew races in May and have improved materially. The make-up of the Weld crews will be the same as that in the B. A. A. races.

The order of the B. A. A. has been changed considerably. They will row as follows: Stroke, G. S. Derby; 7, Townsend; 6, Sleeper; 5, Horton; 4, Tudor; 3, Guild; 2, Fennessey; bow, Crowninshield.

The order of the Intermediates will be: Stroke, Dobyns; 7, DuBois; 6, Blake; 5, Coleman; 4, Garrett; 3, Wood; 2, Bancroft; bow, Plerce.


Juniors-Stroke, Harding; 7, Dinsmoor; 6, Millard; 5, Huntingdon; 4, Davis; 3, Bigelow; 2, Stoddard; bow, Robinson.

The Weld Junior four-oared shell will be made up as follows: Stroke, S. G. Merrill, F. O. Hodges, W. D. Hennen, R. Burnham.

The following is the list of entries in those events in which the Weld is represented:

Senior Eight-Millstreams, B. A. A., Weld Boat Club.

Junior Eight-Lynn Rowing Association, Columbian Rowing Association, Weld Boat Club.

Junior Four-oared Shell-B. A. A., Weld Boat Club.

Besides these events, E. Blaikie and G. Blatchford will represent the Weld in the novice singles, and W. S. Nichols in the Junior singles.

The second junior Weld will row a match race for cups with the Bradford Boat Club during the regatta. Their order will be: Stroke, Merrill; 7, Wilson; 6, C. Butler; 5, Martin; 4, Gould; 3, Nichols; 2, Raymond; bow, Norton.

The races will be run off in the following order:


Junior four-2.00.

Junior eight-2.45.

Senior eight-3.15.

Second junior Weld-Bradford B. C.-3.30.
