LOST.- Notes in Economics 16 in cover. Probably taken by mistake from Memorial about Easter. Will finder please return to Crimson Office, or to F. W. Palfrey, 22 Grays.
TICKETS.- New York to Highland-Poughkeepsie Boat Races and return, via. West Shore R. R., $1.50, for sale at 300 Washington street, Boston.
A. A. SMITH, New England Agent.96 5
CLASS DAY week and Commencement. Students can obtain choice rooms and board for their friends in a first-class location. Address "C," Crimson Office.
I will exchange three seats in car six (6) for two seats in car twenty (20) on the observation train at the 'Varsity race. Address "A. B." Crimson Office.
96 2
TUTORING in German.
G. W. HINMAN, 48 College House.TUTORING.- In Algebra and Geometry for entrance examinations; and in Physics and Chemistry for final examinations.
F. L. MEREDITH, S. B., 10 Appian Way.66 tf
LOST, from 48 Brattle street, a light silk lined covert coat. Reward and no questions asked if returned to above address. 96 tf
TUTORING in History 1, History 10, and Economics 1.
R. W. SPRAGUE, JR., A. B., 4 Hollis Hall.94 4
TICKETS West and South via Poughkeepsie and New York; also by steamer to Baltimore and via Washington. Lowest rates and most attractive routes.
J. F. MARSTEN, 39 Thayer Hall.Office hours, 1.30-3 and 6.30-7.30 95 tf
TUTORING.- German and French.
LOUIS GERTEIS, 68 College House.95 6
FOR POUGHKEEPSIE.- Students desiring to go to the races via New York may learn rates at Thurston's. 92 tf
TO LET, desirable house of ten rooms and bath, all modern improvements, located near the College Yard.
WILLIAM A. MULLER, 4 Central St., Boston.91 6
FOR THE RACES.- Students desiring to go to Poughkeepsie and return same day may learn particulars at Thurston's. tf
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