

No Headline

The editorial of the current number of the Advocate sets a criterion for contributions which it is sincerely to be hoped will be held to in future. The writer classes a large proportion of his contributions as "Soft Melancholy, Dull Despairing and Dramatically Tragic." He might have added Weirdly Foolish and Sentimentally Tiresome. Unfortunately many past stories of the Advocate have been one or all of these.

On the other hand there have been, of course, stories both wholesome and interesting. These have presented the bright and attractive sides of college life, or of the life without the college. If imagination, they have been legitimately so, as is the sketch "Out of the Night," in the present number. In short, they are of the cheerfulness for which the Advocate now appeals. College life abounds in experiences that can be made much of. There is no reason why these should be looked at gloomily or written of morbidly. If the Advocate will keep to the standard it now sets, it will do much to improve the quality of its branch of college journalism.
