To the Editors of the Crimson:
The breaking of an oarlock on the Harvard 'Varsity shell during the practice yesterday, and the still-remembered fiasco at Henley two years ago, by which Cornell won a barren victory over Leander, suggest the possibility of similar mishaps during the race at Poughkeepsie. There would be neither glory nor satisfaction in a victory won under such conditions. This note is to suggest that by agreement among those in authority, full power be given the referee to recall the crews at his discretion for a new start if the first start should be marred by any evident misunderstanding (wherever responsibility for the misunderstanding might ultimately be found to rest), or if an oarlock should break during the first few strokes. Without some such agreement all the hard work and faithful training of many months may be brought to naught, and what ought to be a memorable contest end in an ignominious fiasco.
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