

GOLF TEAM.- The following men be in the Square at 9.15 sharp to go to Brookline: Averill, Curtis, Burden, Choate, Stone, Richardson, Underwood.

FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- Following men be at McDonald's for lunch at 11.45: Farrington, Ewer, Rainbolt, Foster, Hatch, Cutting, McCornick, Edmunds, Moore, Beardsell, Egbert.

CRICKET TEAM.- The following men must be at Leavitt and Peirce's at 9.45 on Saturday to go to Brockton: Adams, Scattergood, Carleton, Gray, Comfort, Drinkwater, Rawle, Hastings, Douglass, Beecher, Haughton.

FRESHMAN DEBATING CLUB.- Members will please get their tickets for the banquet at 31 Matthews from 12 to 4 this afternoon.

COLLEGE NINE.- The following men must be at Leavitt's at 11.30 to go to St. Marks: Gregory, Foster, Slade, Vincent, McVey, Litchfield, Sears, Galbraith, McCall, Dayton.


'VARSITY Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs.- All men be at the University Club on Beacon street at 7.45 sharp.

GOLF CLUB.- Any member of the University wishing to join the Harvard Golf Club may do so by sending the annual dues of $5 to J. F. Curtis, Treasurer, 42 Claverly Hall.
