Only one of the scrub baseball games scheduled for yesterday was played. The Farmers won an easy victory of 21-6 from the Hot Hands in a six-inning game. The Hot Hands were very weak, especially in the field, and allowed the Farmers to make five runs in the first inning, and ten in the third.
The Penny Sports defaulted to the Lady Fingers, and the Pearlines to the Hot Tomales.
The games as announced in the schedule published April 17 have now been played off, with the exception of those to be played with the Muses and with Scrub 2. These two nines withdrew before the games began. The record of the games follows:
Nines. Won. Lost. Tied.
Division 1:
Good Shepherds, 1 2
Farmers, 2 1
Hot Hands, 1 2
Cold Hands, 2 1
Division 2:
Pearlines, 2 1
Scrub 1, 2 1
Peevish Ice Cutters, 2 1
Hot Tomales, 1 2
Division 3:
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