WILL C please call at this office for answers to his notice?
TUTORING.- English A, History 1, 10 and 13; Philosophy 1 and Economics 1.
R. W. SPRAGUE, A. B., 4 Hollis Hall.82 4t
ENGLISH 7.- Full typewritten notes of all the lectures and biographies of the authors will be on sale at Amee's, Wednesday, June 2. Price $2.25. 82 2t
HAIR CUTTING reduced to a science. Any professor or student having hair that is stubborn or difficult to brush should call at Griffith's Hair Dressing Rooms, 7 Brattle Street, Harvard Square. Razors carefully honed.
C. W. GRIFFITHS, Proprietor.HANOVER, GERMANY.- An opportunity for residence in a German family, with special advantages for learning German. Reasonable prices ($22.50-$35.00 a month). Best of accomodations. Reference: Dr. G. A. Bacon, 172 Tremont Street, Boston, or Professor Th. Parrott, Princeton, N. J. j24
ENGLISH CUTTER "Daisy" For Sale.- Designed by Joseph Soper; built at Southampton; excellent cruising boat; complete equipment; 32 ft. overall, 25 ft. water line, 8 ft. 6 in. beam, 5 ft. 9 in. draft. Price $700. Apply to B. B. Crowninshield, 31 State Street, Boston, Mass. 67 8
ANYONE intending going to Poughkeepsie to witness the boat races June 25 will do well to consult the Boston and Albany Railroad's time table. Tickets for the round trip $6.50. See their ad, in another column. 78 tf
HARVARD ADMISSION.- English, History, Mathematics, Latin, Greek. Special preparation for college condition and entrance examinations. Summer engagements near Cambridge. Austin Phelps Dean, 9 Remington street, Cambridge. 72 10 t
MRS. RANSFORD, 22 Prescott street, has a few seats at general table and will have a club room vacant after the 'Varsity crew leave for Poughkeepsie. Students and their friends can be accommodated during class week. 78 tf
TO LET, in Read's Block, Boylston street, a few double and single suites in this favorite block at moderate rent. On the newly widened avenue near the College and convenient to boat houses and Soldiers Field. Apply to janitor. 79 tf
TUTORING.- English 7; Semitic 6, 12; History 1, 9, 10, 12; Greek 10; Philosophy 5; Fine Arts 4.
WILLIAM W. NOLEN, 2 Manter Hall.68 tf
TUTORING.- Geology 4, 14; Phil. 1; Physics 1, 2, 6; Chemistry 1, 3, 4, 5.
F. L. MEREDITH, S. B., 10 Appian Way.68 tf
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