NEW HAVEN, May 27.- The following men were elected to the Senior societies at Yale today:
Skull and Bones-James W. Wadsworth jr., Geneseo, N. Y.; Morton L. Fearey, Albany, N. Y.; Forsyth Wickes, New York City; Eugene Hale, jr., Ellsworth, Me.; Greenville D. Montgomery, Denver, Col.; Greenville Parker, New York City; Frederick Kernochan, New York City; Franklin A. Lord, Moorehead, Minn.; Frank G. Hinsdale, Massachusetts; Payne Whitney, New York City; Clifford D. Cheney, South Manchester, Conn.; David F. Rogers, New Canaan, Conn.; Henry B. Wright, New Haven; Herbert D. Gallaudet, Washington, D. C., and Frank H. Simmons, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Scroll and Keys-Edward Sawyer, Dover, N. H.; Dallas C. Byers, Pittsburg, Pa.; Marshall J. Dodge, New York city; Raymond M. Crosby, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Gouverneur Morris, Jr., New York City; Isaac N. Swift, Ypsilanti, Mich.; Philip W. Hamile, Chicago, Ill.; Augustus C. Ledyard, Detroit, Mich.: Mandeville Mullaly, New York City; Edward C. Streeter, Chicago, Ill.; John M. Woolsey, Englewood, N. J.; Moreau Delano, Philadelphia, Pa.; Julian O. Mason, Chicago, Ill.; Jas. O. Rodgers, Toledo, O.; David O. Twitchell, Hartford, Conn.
Wolf's Head-Arthur D. Baldwin, Maui, Hawaiiah Islands; Alexander I. Lewis, Detroit, Mich.; Frederick T. Van Buren, New York City; Jewett Hamilton Scranton, Madison, Conn.; Robert Callender, Providence, R. I.; W. R. Betts, New York; Thomas S. McLane, New York City; Morris U. Ely, Brooklyn; Chas. I. Ives, Danbury, Conn.; Robert R. Hitt, Washington, D. C.; Chas. A. Goodwin, Hartford, Conn.; Robert H. Gay, Burlington, Vt.; Lewis R. Williams, Glennville, Ohio; Robert J. Turnbull, Jr., Morristown, N. J.; and Geo. S. Schreiber, Hoboken, N. J.
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