
Special Notice.

CLUB HOUSE TO LET.- The house, 77 Mt. Auburn street, near Holyoke street, will be repaired to suit tenant. Apply to

M. P. WHIT, 53 Devonshire St., Boston.81 3t

TICKETS to all points West via Boston and Albany, New York Central, Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Big Four and connections. Berths and information may be obtained from

H. F. LUNT AND W. F. LLOYD, 27 Thayer Hall.Office hours, 6.30-7.30 p. m. 81 tf

IT is interesting to note the increasing popularity of the Arctic regions as a summer resort for scientists, tourists and sportsmen. As far as colleges are concerned, it began in 1894, when the Cook expedition took parties from Harvard, Yale and Oberlin colleges, and which came to such an unfortunate ending. Again last year Technology and Cornell sent small parties to Greenland, and the coming summer Dartmouth, Harvard, and possibly Yale, will be represented in the field.


The party now being organized here, although its main purpose is that of hunting, will be in a country (Baffin Land) almost unknown to the scientific world. Save for a few whaling vessels it is unvisited the year round. The isolation and apparent inaccessibility of this land would seem to make the coming trip a particularly interesting one as well as an opportunity seldom to be taken advantage of.

HANOVER, GERMANY.- An opportunity for residence in a German family, with special advantages for learning German. Reasonable prices ($22.50-$35.00 a month). Best of accomodations. Reference: Dr. G. A. Bacon, 172 Tremont Street, Boston, or Professor Th. Parrott, Princeton, N. J. j24

ENGLISH CUTTER "Daisy" For Sale.- Designed by Joseph Soper; built at Southampton; excellent cruising boat; complete equipment; 32 ft. overall, 25 ft. water line, 8 ft. 6 in. beam, 5 ft. 9 in. draft. Price $700. Apply to B. B. Crowninshield, 31 State Street, Boston, Mass. 67 8
