
Special Notice.

How are you going to raise money this summer for next year's expenses? We have something better than book canvassing or agency for household articles. Write us.

FISCHER AND DAVIDSON, New Britain, Conn.TUTORING.- English A, French A, 1a, 1b, 1c (approved).

THOMAS D. PARKER, A. M., 36 Grays Hall.Appointments made by mail.

A SUMMER IN THE NORTH.- I shall take a small party to Baffin Land this summer for two months' hunting and sightseeing in and about Frobisher Bay. This country lies west of Davis Straits and north of Labrador and Hudson's Straits, inhabited only by eskimos and abounding in game. Walrus, bear and seal are found in Frobisher Bay, while the interior is the resort of reindeer.

The party will go north on Lieutenant Peary's ship, leaving Boston the first week in July and returning the last of September.


The fact that a ship is to stop at Baffin Land this summer makes it an exceptional opportunity for sportsmen to visit this heretofore inaccessible country. For expenses and further particulars, address

RUSSELL W. PORTER, 17 Russell Avenue, Watertown, Mass.80 6t

"LIFE AT PRINCETON" is the leading article in the June Scribner. It is the second of the series "Undergraduate Life at American Universities," and is written by James W. Alexander, '60. W. R. Leigh has illustrated it, from life, with thirty drawings. 78 4t

"RALEGH IN GUIANA," Prof. Barrett Wendell's one-act play in the Elizabethan manner, recently produced at Sanders Theatre, is printed in full in Scribner's for June. This is its first appearance in type. 78 4t

ONE front room on first floor, suitable for club table; also general tables. At 12 Dunster street. 79 2t

MRS. RANSFORD, 22 Prescott street, has a few seats at general table and will have a club room vacant after the 'Varsity crew leave for Poughkeepsie. Students and their friends can be accommodated during class week. 78 tf

TUTORING.- Spanish 1; Italian 1; German A, B, C, 1a, 1b. Seven years in Europe.

G. B. WESTON, '97, 42 Thayer Hall.79 3t
