
Special Notice.

THE COLLEGE ATHLETE COACHERS, AGENCY has five positions to be filled by graduates: one in Ohio, to coach football, track and baseball teams-$900.00; one in Ohio, football; one in Kentucky, footbal; one in Tennessee, football; one in Massachusetts, football. Write at once if you want a position. 429 Tremont Building, Boston.

WANTED, a Harvard man, '97, to in vest capital in a company formed of college men and accept salaried position. 429 Tremont Building, Boston.

TUTORING.- Spanish 1; Italian 1; German A, B, C, 1a, 1b. Seven years in Europe.

G. B. WESTON, '97, 42 Thayer Hall.79 3t

TUTORING.- English A, French A, 1a, 1b, 1c (approved.) Appointments made by mail.


THOS. D. PARKER, 36 Grays Hall.
