

'97 WELLS CUP POINT WINNERS.- A picture of the men who have ever won points for '97 in the interclass games for the Wells cup will be taken at Pach's at 1.30 p. m. sharp today. As many men as possible should be present. Picture to be taken with men in running suits.

'VARSITY FOOTBALL TEAM.- There will be a meeting of all the men who won H's on the football team last fall, tonight at 7.30, in Hollis 9. It is important that every man be prompt.

'98 CLASS MEETING.- There will be a meeting of the class in Upper Mass. to night at 8 o'clock.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Special car leaves Harvard Square tonight at 7 o'clock for Hotel Vendome. Every man must be on hand at that hour. Also there is to be a rehearsal of the orchestra Thursday afternoon at 4.30. Important.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 7.00 o'clock tonight in Lower Dane. Every man must be present.


COLLEGE NINE.- The following men must be in front of Memorial Hall at 12.30 sharp to go to Exeter: Gregory, Cozzens, Foster, Morton, McVey, Vincent, Litchfield, Seers, Dayton, Galbraith, Brown, Manning.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal in Lower Dane tonight at 7 sharp.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Meeting tonight at 8 o'clock.

HARVARD UNION.- Dues of the new members must be paid to the treasurer at 14 Little's Block, 1.30-2.30 p. m., before the banquest Friday.

HARVARD CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The semi-annual election of officers will take place June 3d. Nominations must be sent not later than May 20, (Thursday of this week), to the Secretary, 41 Thayer Hall. 71-3t
