The annual Memorial Day service, at which Dr. Justin Winsor will preside, is to be held on Sunday, May 30th, at 4 o'clock. Major H. L. Higginson will make the address on Colonel Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Massachusetts infantry. Colonel Shaw entered Harvard in the class of '60 but left college just before the end of his junior year. He entered the army before the beginning of the war and served for a while in the 7th New York National Guards. He soon exchanged to the 2d Massachusetts, however, where he served until in February of '63 Governor Andrew gave him charge of the 54th Massachusetts infantry. This regiment was the first colored regiment to be sent to the war. At the end of May of the same year the regiment left Boston for the front. On the 18th of the next July Colonel Shaw was killed while leading his men in the charge on Fort Wagner.
Major Higginson served under Colonel Shaw in the 54th regiment and was his close friend, so the address is sure to be in the highest degree interesting and instructive.
Invitations for the service are to be sent to all the surviving members of the classes in college during the war, and seats will be reserved for them as well as for members of the G. A. R., the Faculty and the Senior class, but there will be no tickets. It is Probable that the Seniors will march over in caps and gowns and that the Glee Club will sing at the Service. The committee in charge of the service are: Dr. A. C. Coolidge, R. H. Stevenson Jr., and F. A. Burlingame.
On Monday, the 31st, at the regular Memorial Day celebration, Prof. William James and Booker T. Washington, who was given an honorary A. M. at the last Commencement, are to deliver addresses at the unveiling of the Shaw statue on Boston common.
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