
New Inscriptions.

The Memorial Society will place two new memorials this spring in the college yard. A granite stone is to be placed in front of Wadsworth House bearing the following inscription:


Occupied by College Presidents From Wadsworth to Everett, And in July 1775 by Washington.

The second memorial is also to be in the form of a granite block, and will mark the place where "Stoughton College" used to stand, between Harvard Hall and Massachusetts Hall.

In order to put the society on a firm financial basis, the finance committee will shortly send out circulars stating the aims of the society and asking aid in raising a fund from which the society may draw a sufficient annual income for its work. These circulars are to be sent to all the prominent Harvard graduates in the country, and the money so raised is to be placed in the hands of the Corporation for investment.


There are funds enough now in the treasury of the society for the erection of the first of the memorials mentioned above, but in order to place the second memorial this spring it will be necessary to raise the money by subscription. The society will gladly receive subscriptions from any undergraduates who are interested in the work. Such subscriptions should be sent to the treasurer, 16 Holworthy Hall.
