THE PROSPECT UNION.- Tonight is ladies' night at the Prospect Union. Mr. George S. Chase of Cambridge will deliver an address on the "Sandwich Islands."
LACROSSE TEAM.- Practic at 4 today.
'VARSITY BASEBALL.- Practice on Holmes Field at 3.30, unless a notice to the contrary is posted at Leavitt's.
'VARSITY GLEE CLUB REHEARSAL tonight at 6.45. All must be present.
PROSPECT UNION.- There will be a short meeting of Harvard men who are or have been connected with the Prospect Union on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock in Wadsworth 1. All such men are earnestly requested to attend.
The following men be on Soldiers Field at 4.30: Harris, Bouve, Kernan, Field, Jewell, Prescott, C. M. Weld, Taylor, Hardy, Binney, Chauncey and Scott.
THE monthly meeting of the New Jersey Club of Harvard has been postponed from Tuesday, April 6, to Wednesday, April 7. It will be held in Mr. Kirkpatrick's rooms at 96 Prescott street.
ALL candidates for bicycle team must apply to secretary for tickets entitling them to privileges of Charles River Park track. H. C. Burdett, Sec., 33 Conant Hall.
MEN wishing to join the H. A. A. can do so on Mondays between 12 and 1 at the room of the secretary, F. R. Nourse, 26 Holyoke Street.
DEUTSCHER VEREIN.- There will be a meeting Thursday, April 8, at 8 o'clock in the old Pi Eta Rooms.
ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- There will be an important business meeting of the society in 17 Grays at seven o'clock on Wednesday evening, April 7. 41 2
SCRUB BASEBALL.- Men wishing to play in the scrub series, who are unable to form nines, will please sign the blue-book at Leavitt and Peirce's, giving name, address and position.
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University Calendar.