PROFESSORS and students wishing their hair trimmed in a way that will improve their personal appearance should call at Griffiths's Hair Dressing Rooms, 7 Brattle St., Harvard Sq. He has enlarged his place of business and secured the assistance of Geo. S. Betts, making five artists, all special hair cutters. Razors honed and cared for.
GEO. S. BETTS, Foreman. C. W. GRIFFITH, Proprietor.For five years at Young's Hotel, Boston. 2 tf
DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class for beginners commences Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Private Lessons. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. 1-e o d-tf
PHOTOGRAPHIC Printing and Developing for amateurs. Lantern slides and bromide enlargements made to order. Glue mountings in albums or on cards for portfolios a specialty. K. M. Hill, 181 Tremont street, Boston, Mass.; take elevator. 38 15
NOTICE TO BICYCLE RIDERS.- There is a club forming at the Gymnasium for the purpose of securing a big discount on wheels. Any one intending to purchase a bicycle would do well to leave his name at the Gymnasium with the janitor, where a sample wheel can be seen, or drop us a postal and we will call. We can get you a '96 or '97 wheel at a big discount. Address Z, Crimson Office.
39 6
A petition is being circulated for the removal of the post-office from its present narrow quarters to a better location. A copy is accessible for signature in the outer office of the Crimson. 39 6
AGENTS WANTED-For War in Cuba, by Senor Quesada, Cuban representative at Washington. Endorsed by Cuban patriots. In tremendous demand. A bonanza for agents. Only $1.50. Big book, big commissions. Everybody wants the only endorsed, reliable book. Outfits free. Credit given. Freight paid. Drop all trash, and make $300 a month with War in Cuba. Address today, The National Book Concern, 352-355 Dearborn St., Chicago. 33-30t
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Princeton, 11; Harvard, 2.