The following topics have been anounced for the third forensic:
1. Should the present Congress pass legislation looking toward an international congress of bimetallism?
2. Is that labor alone productive which produces utilities fixed and embodied in material objects? (See Marshall, Principles of Economics, Bk. II, Chap. III).
3. Is Thackeray just in his estimate of Sterne?
4. Is Jane Austen a realist in the modern sense of the term?
5. Should the entrance requirements of Harvard be modified in the interest of high school graduates, who have not taken the full classical course?
6. Can the conscience be explained by natural evolution?
7. Is Congress justified in considering the interests of manufacturing corporations, in the adjustment of the tariff schedule?
8. Is M. Brunetiere's critical method sound? (See Harper's Weekly, April 2.
9. Is annexation of territory to the U. S. by joint resolution of Congress constitutional?
10. Are England's aggressions in Africa justifiable?
11. Is Max Nordau's criticism of Ibsen just?
12. Have State Boards of Arbitration justified their existence up to the present time?
13. Did Patrick Henry base his arguments in the Parsons case on sound principles?
14. Did the Phoenicians settle in Central America?
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