
Shooting Club.

The house and grounds of the Shooting Club were put in order last week and the first shoot of the season will be held this afternoon at 2.30. The shoots this spring will be held as usual on Monday and Thursday afternoons and it is hoped that a weekly team match can be arranged with the M. I. T. Gun Club.

The intercollegiate shoot for the trophy offered by "Shooting and Fishing" will be held at Wellington, Friday, May 28. Columbia and U. of P. have entered the match and Princeton and Yale will compete as usual. It is very important that a strong team be developed this spring for if Princeton wins again the cup will go to her for good. Accordingly all men in the University who are interested in shooting are urged to try for the team. New men may become members of the club by paying five dollars to H. F. Lunt, either at 27 Thayer Hall or at the grounds on Soldiers Field during a shoot. As soon as enough new men come out a novice match will be started.
