

Improvement in the Low Hurdles and the Broad Jump.

The Mott Haven Candidates have been doing hard and regular work during the past week in preparation for the class games, which take place Thursday. A number of last year's team have come out for the first time.

Almost all the runners have run trials in their distances and some very good times have been made.

In the low hurdles the outlook is very encouraging and some fast work has been done. Up to the present time Morse and Fox have done the best. The high hurdlers have only been working for a few days and have done but half the regular distance on time, as yet, so very little can be said as to their abilities.

The pole vaulters are practicing every day and all of last year's team are again out. Hoyt joined the squad last week and is doing as well as ever before.

In the broad jump J. G. Clarke and P. E. Somers '99 are the best men who have yet appeared. Clarke is rapidly getting into good shape and his ankle seems to be troubling him very little; Somers has developed unexpected ability. The work of the high jumpers, who have been practicing all winter, has been very light. Morse, however is doing as well outdoors as he has done indoors.


In the hammer the new men who have come out have not shown any extraordinary ability. Boal 1900 is doing the best, having thrown over 100 ft.

The hard work will continue until after the 'Varsity games, April 15. Then a week's rest will be given the men and after vacation the preparation for the dual and Mott Haven games will commence in earnest.
