The announcement that Mr. Lehmann has consented to address the students on the subject of public speaking will be welcome to every member of the University. The meeting on Thursday evening will have a special significance, in that it brings into a closer relation the debating and the athletic interests of the University. Mr. Lehmann, by his very presence, shows us that these two things are not inconsistent, but that one is rather the complement of the other. When he first came among us he was looked upon chiefly as a rowing coach who would benefit the rowing interests at Harvard. Since that time, however, the students have come to recognize his talent in wider fields, but more especially in that of public speaking. When a student at the older Cambridge, Mr. Lehmann was actively interested in debating, while at the same time he was a member of the crew. He represents the idea prevalent in England, and coming to be more generally recognized in this country today, that the athletic and the intellectual life are both essential in the equipment of a man for active service in the world.
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