

FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- No practice today. Practice as usual Monday at 3.30 on Soldiers Field.

MOTT HAVEN.- Candidates meet in front of Matthews Monday morning at 8.

ALL candidates for the bicycle team meet on Holmes Field at eleven a. m. sharp, dressed to ride.

CYCLING ASSOCIATION.- The bicycle race in the interclass games will be held on the Charles River Park track. Entries must be made before Tuesday, April 6. All men who intend to compete must be examined by Dr. Sargent before that date. 40 2

GOLF CLUB.- Will all men who intend to try for the Harvard golf team please hand their names at once to T. B. Gannet, Jr., 9 Little's.


WELD CREWS.- '97 and 1900 second row at 2.30; '98 and '99 at 3.30; 1900 first at 4.

CRICKET PRACTICE.- No fielding practice this afternoon. The following will report for batting practice in the Gymnasium: 1.30-2.30, Byrd, Carleton, Haughton, Logan, Kennedy, Rawle, Waters, Wells; 2.30-3.30, Morgan, Dupont, Hastings, Adams, Webster, Scattergood, Cutting, Gray, Drinkwater, Perkins.

LACROSSE TEAM.- Stick work at 3.45. Line-up at 4.15. One or two coaches will be out.

'VARSITY Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs be at the Square at 7 p. m. to go to Jamaica Plain.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 4.45.

'VARSITY BASEBALL.- No practice today.

'98 CREW.- Row at 3.50.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- French Play orchestra be at Brattle Hall at 7.30 p. m.

MEETING of the Brookline High School Club at 9 Hollis, Monday, April 5, at 8 p. m.

MEN wishing to join the H. A. A. can do so on Mondays between 12 and 1 at the room of the secretary, F. R. Nourse, 26 Holyoke Street.

MEN who with to play in the scrub series, but are unable to organize a nine, are asked to sent in their names with the positions they wish to play to F. Curtis, 55 Claverly, before April 6.

FRENCH PLAY.- All who have not been photographed yet, those in the Turkish Ceremony, Ballet, Cook's Dance, and Lackeys, be at Notman's at 1.30 p. m. Saturday.

SCRUB BASEBALL.- All entries must be sent to F. Curtis, Claverly 55, before Wednesday, April 7.

MOTT HAVEN.- Blue-books for entering the spring games are at the Gymnasium. Entries for the interclass games close Tuesday, April 6, for the 'Varsity games, Saturday, April 10.
