
Official Notice.

GRADUATE STUDENTS and members of the Professional Schools who expect to receive the degree of Master of Arts at the next Commencement are reminded that application for admission to candidacy for the degree, and for the approval of their courses, must be made to the Administrative Board of the Graduate School not later than April 30.

JOHN H. WRIGHT, Dean of the Graduate School.GERMAN 1A.- Owing to a difficulty in getting the necessary copies of "Egmont," Schiller's "Jungfrau von Orleans" will be read instead. Copies will be at the Co-operative on Wednesday. For Tuesday, Sections II (Professor von Jagemann) and III (Mr. Howard) will prepare in Freytag's "Karl der Grosse," etc., pp. 100-105 incl.

H. C. G. VON JAGEMANN.MR. COPELAND requests a complete attendance of the reading classes this week.

ENGLISH 32.- For Tuesday, April 27, read "Christ's Victory and Triumph" of Giles Fletcher, and the "Apollyonists" of Phineas Fletcher. See the Fuller Worthies Library of Asker.


