
Leiter Cup Championship.

The games in the scrub baseball series for the Leiter cup championship will begin this afternoon. Five diamonds have been laid out-three on Norton's and two on Soldiers Field. The nines will find the bases on Norton's Field set out for them; the bases for the diamonds on Soldiers may be obtained from the janitor in charge of the Locker building any time this afternoon. Balls may be obtained at the Crimson office by the captains, who will have to sign for them, giving their own name and that of their team. Captains are also reminded that they must hand in the scores of the games before 7 o'clock to have them counted.

The diamonds have been assigned to the divisions as follows: No. 1, the furthest diamond on Soldiers Field; No. 2, the other diamond on Solidiers Field; No, 3, the furthest diamond to the right on Norton's; No. 4, in the extreme lefthand corner; and No. 5, in the other diamond on Norton's Field.

One change in schedule has been made; the "Farmers" game with the "Good Shepherds" has been postponed to Wednesday, April 28, and the game between the "Hot Hands" and "Cold Hands," has been changed from Wednesday afternoon to this afternoon. The games with Scrub 2 and the Muses have been cancelled as these teams have withdrawn. In division 5, only two teams, the Weary Williams and the No Names, are left. If these nines wish they may play a series of three games together.
