
Clock in Memorial Tower.

The class of '72 is to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of its graduation this year by a gift of a large clock, to be placed in the tower of Memorial Hall. The clock will have a fifteen-foot dial and a bell, to strike the hours, which will weigh about 3000 pounds. The gift, which is to cost over $6,000, has been tendered by the class and accepted by the Corporation.

Full plans for the reconstruction of the tower have been prepared by Mr. Henry Van Brunt, one of the architects of Memorial. It is proposed to build a copper gable on each of the four faces of the tower, and to put new dormer windows above the dials of the clock, so as greatly to improve the appearance of the roof.

The making of the clock was begun about a month ago, and it will probably be finished in time for Commencement. Work on the tower will be begun in a few days, in order to be ready for the clock as soon as it is finished. The clock will be one of the largest and handsomest in New England.
