Last night, under the auspices of the St. Paul's Society, the Rev. J. O. S. Huntington, O. H. C., who graduated from Harvard in '75, gave an address on the "Need for the Christian Religion. Dean Briggs introduced Father Huntington as a member of his class.
This evening, in the Fogg Art Museum at 7.45. Father Huntington will lecture on "What are the Claims of the Catholic Church in the English Race?" and will give instructions on the creed today and tomorrow in 17 Grays at 4.30 p. m.
Father Huntington will be in 17 Grays for private conferences Saturday, April 3, from 9 a. m to 4.30 p. m. Appointments may be made by addressing R. M. Marsh, 48 Hastings.
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