
Special Notice.

MOSELEY'S New Haven House Fronting Yale University has been entirely modernized during the past twelve months. The reputation for the excelence of the table is being sustained. 33 20

NEGLIGEE Shirts in Madras and Flannel and made to measure from all sorts of wash stuffs at Boardman's, Tremont Building, opposite Parker House.

PHOTOGRAPHIC Printing and Developing for amateurs. Lantern slides and bromide enlargements made to order. Glue mountings in albums or on cards for portfolios a specialty. K. M. Hill, 181 Tremont street, Boston, Mass.; take elevator. 38 15

HANDSOME matched pair for sale.- Perfectly matched pair jet black pacing mares, excellent breeding, seven and eight years old, 1900 pounds, safe and sound and drive like one horse. Great roaders. One has been used by a lady under the saddle. One has a record of 2.11 1-2, other 2.26. Address, Box 2, Cambridge, Mass. 50 6

MRS. RANSFORD, of 22 Prescott street, can furnish students with board during Easter vacation, as the University crew and two class crews will be at her house during the week. 50 3


AGENTS WANTED-For War in Cuba, by Senor Quesada, Cuban representative at Washington. Endorsed by Cuban patiots. In tremendous demand. A bonanza for agents. Only $1.50. Big book, big commissions. Everybody wants the only endorsed, reliable book. Outfits free. Credit given. Freight paid. Drop all trash, and make $300 a month with War in Cuba. Address today, The National Book Concern, 352-356 Dearborn St., Chicago. 33-30t

ROUND Trip Rates to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and the West. Information, sleeping car tickets, and staterooms. Joseph F. Marsten, 39 Thayer. Office hours, 6-7 p. m.

STUDENTS remaining in Cambridge during the recess can be accommodated with board at 1200 Mass. Ave.

A CLUB table of ten or twelve can be accommodated after the Easter vacation at 1270 Massachusetts avenue.
