The April recess extends from April 18 to April 24th inclusive. Every student is required to register between nine and twelve o'clock on the morning of Monday, April 26. College exercises will be held as usual on that day. The registration rooms are as follows:
Seniors in Upper Dane.
Juniors in Sever 10.
Sophomores in Sever 11.
Freshmen in Lower Dane.
College Special Students in Upper Dane.
Scientific Students in University 23.
The attention of students is called to the following regulations:
REGISTRATION AND RESIDENCE.- Every students is required to register not later than 12 M. on the first weekday after the Christmas recess and the first weekday after the April recess.
Continuous residence at the University is required during term-time. No interruption of residence is permissible, except for satisfactory reasons stated to the Recorder (orally, if possible before the student leaves Cambridge. The student who has been absent must also report in person to the Recorder immediately on his return.
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The Yale Freshman Nine.