To the Editors of the Crimson:
There are three things that might be done in regard to the conflict of the race with Class Day. First, ClassDay might be transferred to Thursday, omitting the Senior dance. Second, Class Day might be transferred to Saturday, if the crew were willing to race Thursday. Third, Class Day might remain as it is, on the same day with the race.
With Class Day on Thursday, both Class Day and the race can be attended. The objections would be (1) that the Senior dance would have to be given up, (2) the tradition of having Class Day on a fixed day every year would be broken, (3) it might be hard for every one to get to the race. With Class Day Saturday and the race Thursday, the crew would have to negotiate with two colleges for the change, and it might not be satisfactory to the class, as (1) many undergraduates would not come back from the race, (2) the race might be postponed to Friday which would injure the Senior dance, (3) Saturday is an unfavorable day on account of the difficulty of travelling Sunday and the necessity of stopping festivities at twelve.
With both Class Day and the race on Friday, the conflict is the only objection. This would take many underclassmen and graduates from Class Day.
The Corporation have granted us permission to have Class Day Thursday as well as Friday or Saturday.
This matter must be finally settled tonight, and every Senior must attend the meeting in order that the question may be satisfactorily settled.
The position of the crew will be explained by Captain Goodrich in person.
A. M. BEALE, J. B. HAYWARD, J. D. PHILLIPS, Class Day Committee.
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