The baseball team has shown marked improvement since practice was begun on the diamond, nearly three weeks ago. The play in all the games has been characterized by snap and vigor, showing in every man that the thorough training of Coach Earle has by no means been in vain. The policy in regard to the consolidated team will differ materially this season from last year's arrangements. Games with neighboring teams have been scheduled and uniforms given to the men. The following men have been taken to the training table, which was started on April 7: Bradley '97, Altman '97, Wilson '97 (captain), Sankey '97, Jayne '97, Easton '98, Barrett '98, Butler '98, Geer '99, Suter '99, Hillebrand 1900 and Kafer 1900.
The freshman nine has also been practicing faithfully, under Wheeler '97, who has been appointed coach. The number of candidates has been reduced to fourteen and immediately after the Easter vacation a training table will be started for the Freshman squad.
Preliminary contests in the literary halls, to choose representatives for the Lynde debate, have been held. From the American Whig Society, E. G. Elliott, Robert F. Sterling, J. S. Evans and John H. Keener, alternate, were chosen. The representatives from the Cliosophic Society are W. B. Ramsey, H. F. Stockwell, S. S. Yantis, and C. J. Dunlap, alternate. The final contest will be held on the evening of June 15th.
The new one-third mile bicycle track will be completed in about ten days. It will be a clay path, fifteen feet wide, built of the natural soil, which packs readily and dries quickly. The Track Association has secured the services of the well known professional "Joe" Harrison, who is expected to arrive some time this week and remain for a month to coach the bicycle squad.
The Triangle Club, Princeton's dramatic association, has been rehearsing daily the two plays which will be presented this year. "The Tiger Lily," a short farce, will be used as a curtain raiser. The other, "Lend Me Five Shillings," is a comedy by John Madison Morton, and deals with society life in the early part of the present century.
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