However deeply the conflict of dates set for the University boat race and Class Day is to be regretted, the suggestion contained in the communication published this morning that the date of the boat race be changed to an earlier one will hardly commend itself to the rowing management. The last days before the race are considered of such extreme importance that not a single day can well be sacrificed, even for the sake of the additional spectators that such a change would bring to Poughkeepsie. Moreover the date has already been agreed to by the three crews, and even if they should be willing to change it, several baseball dates would need rearrangement and more or less confusion would result.
Another plan is to hole the Class Day exercises on Wednesday and Thursday, instead of on Thursday and Friday as now proposed, and to leave the date of the boat race the same. This scheme seems practicable and would allow Harvard men to be present at both of the events. The date of the Yale baseball game could probably be made a day earlier without much difficulty. There is also, however, an objection to this plan: it is doubtful if the Faculty would permit Class Day to be held any earlier on account of the resulting conflict with the last of the examinations. For the past three or four years the final examinations have extended through Wednesday of Class Day Week. If they should have to be so arranged this year, the Faculty would almost certainly object to having the examination, the Yale game, the Senior dance and a number of spreads all on the same day.
It looks therefore as though the boat race and the Class Day exercises would have to come at the same time this year.
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