
Scrub Baseball.

It has been decided to have the scrub baseball championship this year before the class nines are called out in the hope that some good material may be discovered and that more interest will be taken in the scrub games than heretofore.

Any man in the University is privileged to form such a nine and the names of the men who are to play, together with a name for every nine, must be sent to F. Curtis, 55 Claverly Hall, before noon on Wednesday, April 7.

Any man is eligible who is not an ex-'Varsity player, who is not with the 'Varsity squad, on the College nine, or on the Freshman nine. A schedule will be made out for these nines and the games will be played immediately after the Easter recess.

Silver cups will be given to every man on the winning nine by Mr. Lighter '91 and in order that the teams may be as even as possible no more than two class nine players will be allowed to play on the same nine.

It is hoped that many of the class nine men will interest themselves in the scheme and start nines on their own responsibility. The men on a nine need not be of the same class and no restriction is imposed except as mentioned above.


The 'Varsity management will furnish practice diamonds on Soldiers Field and will provide two baseballs for each match game.

