

WELD CREWS.- '98 and '99 first crews row at 4.30; 1900 first, and '97 row at 5. All other crews from '99 and 1900 row at 3.30.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- No regular rehearsal tonight. French play orchestra be at Brattle Hall at 7.30 sharp.

'98 CREW.- Ames and Fuller row at 4. Kinnicutt and Wadsworth at 4.15. All others at 4.30.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7.00 o'clock in Lower Dane. All members must be present.

TENNIS ASSOCIATION.- There will be a meeting of the Tennis Association Monday evening, March 30, at 7 o'clock, in 12 Holworthy.


CANDIDATES for bicycle team meet for road work at 4 p. m. at the Gym.

CAMERA CLUB.- Will all members of the University who desire to enter photographs in the event of an exhibition please communicate with C. P. M. Rumford, 68 Mt. Auburn street.

FRENCH PLAY.- Every participant in the play be at Brattle Hall at 6.30 p. m. sharp. All ushers be there by 7.00. No tickets will be needed; enter by side door on the right.

'99 CREW.- Marvin, McDuffie, Swift, Whitbeck, Donald, Adams and Richardson, be at the training table at Lapin's at 8.15. All others be dressed to row at 3.30 sharp.

LACROSSE TEAM.- Practice on Holmes Field at 3.45. tf

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Evening prayers will be read every evening during Lent in 17 Grays at 7 o'clock.

'VARSITY BASEBALL.- Squad be at Locker Building on Soldiers Field at 3.00 unless weather is unfavorable, in which case a notice will be posted at Leavitt's.
